UPIS 2024 Univerzitet Union Nikola Tesla

Join a community of researchers and innovators:

Applications for enrollment in 2024 are open on Union Nikola Tesla University!

Exam registrations for the September exam period 1 are from 26.08 to 31.08.2024.

Exam registrations for the September exam period 2 are from 12.09 to 16.09.2024.
Exams are registered exclusively online through the e-student application.

The University enrolls students in accordance with the law, evaluating general, professional, and artistic matura. The ranking of candidates for enrollment in the first year is determined based on overall success in secondary education and results achieved in the entrance exam for the study programs: Undergraduate Academic Studies in Civil Engineering and Undergraduate Academic Studies in Architecture and Urbanism.

Za studijske programe OAS Građevinarstvo i OAS Arhitektura i urbanizam  održaće se prijemni ispiti u the September admission period at the University premises, located at Cara Dušana 62-64, on September 3rd, 4th, and 5th at 11:00 AM.

Enrollment for all study programs will continue until September 30th.

Admission Competition for 2024-2025

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Advantages of Union Nikola Tesla University

Innovative study programs

Offering multidisciplinary study programs adapted to the needs of the modern labor market.

Inovativni studijski programi - Ponuda multidisciplinarnih studijskih programa prilagođenih potrebama modernog tržišta rada.

International cooperation

Active cooperation with universities and institutions around the world enables students to access global knowledge and practices.

Međunarodna saradnja​ - Aktivna saradnja sa univerzitetima i institucijama širom sveta omogućava studentima pristup globalnim znanjima i praksama.

Focus on quality

Commitment to high academic standards and continuous improvement of the quality of education.

Fokus na kvalitet
Zašto Univerzitet Union Nikola Tesla? Uzimajući u obzir važnost visokog obrazovanja kao temelja zasnovanog na znanju, ekonomskom i kulturnom razvoju društva, kao i unapređenju ljudskih prava i sloboda, Univerzitet ‘Union-Nikola Tesla’ posvećen je pružanju najviših akademskih standarda i pružanju obrazovanja koje zadovoljava društvene potrebe i ciljeve nacionalnog razvoja.

Why Union Nikola Tesla University?

Taking into account the importance of higher education as a foundation based on knowledge, economic and cultural development of society, as well as the advancement of human rights and freedoms, Union-Nikola Tesla University is dedicated to providing the highest academic standards and providing education that meets social needs and national development goals .

Fakulteti Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla
Projekata Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla
0 +
Studijski programi Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla
Study programs
Pridruzenih clanica Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla
Associated members of the University
Aktivnih studenata Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla
0 +
Active students
Strateska partnerstva Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla
0 +
Strategic partnerships


Fakultet za graditeljski menadžment

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Fakultet za ekologiju i zaštitu životne sredine

Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Fakultet za ekonomiju i finansije

Faculty of Economics

Fakultet za preduzetnički biznis i menadžment nekretnina

Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business and Real Estate Management

Fakultet za međunarodnu politiku i bezbednost

Faculty of International Politics and Security

Fakultet za informatiku i računarstvo

Faculty of Informatics and Computer science

Kompanija Graditelj Inzenjering Osnivac univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla

The founder of the University

The company "Graditelj-inženjering" founded the Faculty of Construction Management in 2001. In 2005, the Faculty of Construction Management together with the Faculty of Design and the Faculty of Industrial Management founded UNION University. In 2010, the Faculty of Construction Management left UNION University together with the Faculty of Real Estate Management, the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business and the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection and founded the University "Union-Nikola Tesla" in 2011.

Autodesk revit


Lessons from Revit BIM design software. As part of the course in the fourth year of the Faculty of Construction Management of the Department of Architecture and Construction, starting from the summer semester 2023/24, training in Revit BIM design software was organized.

Transfers from other faculties

Transfers from other faculties to the 'Union-Nikola Tesla' University are conducted during the enrollment periods.

prelazak sa drugih fakulteta na union nikola tesla

Latest news

Partnerships and Memberships


Комисија за акредитацију и проверу квалитета

Commission for accreditation and quality control

Union Nikola Tesla University is a recognized higher education institution that has been accredited by the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Control. This institution confirmed its status as an accredited institution by the decision of KAPK from 2020.

Committee for Accreditation of Scientific Research Organizations

Union Nikola Tesla University in Belgrade, as a private institution, is accredited for social, natural-mathematical, technical-technological sciences and branches such as economics, management, security sciences, political and computer sciences, environmental protection, construction and architecture for scientific research work , according to the decision of the Accreditation Board.