
University of "Union-Nikola Tesla" > News > General news > Today we celebrate Nikola Tesla's birthday and Science Day

Today we celebrate Nikola Tesla's birthday and Science Day

On this day in 1856, Serbian physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, in a priestly family, one of the greatest minds in the history of world science, especially electrical engineering, the creator of the "new technical order", whose inventions laid the foundation and direction of the dizzying scientific - technical development of mankind in the 20th century.
He is the inventor of the strength of the magnetic field, the three-phase system of electricity transmission, the induction motor, generator and transformer, the phenomenon of electromagnetic resonance, and he patented a number of inventions on which modern electronics are based, without which technical civilization, especially the transmission of electricity, would be unthinkable.
Tesla is a pioneer of radio technology, wireless telegraphy and radar. His polyphase alternating current system proved its value at the first hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls.

He patented about 700 inventions in the fields of alternating current, telecommunications, acoustics and mechanical engineering, many of which found wide application. The only time he was in Belgrade was in 1892 when he received the Order of Saint Sava.
