Master studies
Master studies
Faculty of Construction Management
Scientific, professional or artistic field:
Civil engineering
At the master's academic studies MAS Organization, construction technology and management of building construction, the emphasis is placed on modern organization, the choice of modern construction technologies, on managing the construction of buildings using modern methods and techniques in accordance with the rules of the modern cyber process. At the lectures, with the use of appropriate didactic tools, the intended material is presented with the necessary explanations that contribute to a better understanding of the subject matter. During the exercises, which follow the lectures, specific tasks are solved and examples are presented that additionally illustrate the material. In the exercises, additional explanations of the material presented in the lectures are given. Exercises can be auditory, laboratory, computer or computational. Compulsory professional practice is provided for students, which students perform on construction sites and in the project bureau of the founder and owner of the Faculty or by free choice in construction companies. The size of the group is determined depending on the nature of the exercises. Students' responsibilities during the exercises may also include the preparation of seminar and home papers, project assignments, semester and graphic works, whereby every activity of the students during the teaching process is monitored and evaluated according to the rules adopted at the Faculty level. The number of points earned is expressed according to a unique methodology and reflects the workload of the student.