About University
About the University
"Union - Nikola Tesla" University was founded with the aim of enabling the legal functioning of faculties without the status of a legal entity, as well as faculties with the status of a legal entity within its composition in accordance with common European traditions and values of the Republic of Serbia. As a community of higher education institutions, the University "Union - Nikola Tesla" enables the exchange of knowledge and experiences in various educational and scientific fields, potentially opening up space for multidisciplinary studies.
At the "Union - Nikola Tesla" University, at faculties without the status of a legal entity, the following study programs of basic academic studies in the technical-technological field are offered, namely: Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, in the social-humanistic field: Entrepreneurial Business and Real Estate Management, International Politics and security, Economics and finance, in natural and mathematical: Environmental protection, Informatics.

About the University
At the "Union - Nikola Tesla" University, at faculties without the status of a legal entity, the following study programs of master's academic studies in the technical-technological field are offered: General construction, Organization and construction technology and construction management, Architecture and urbanism, Interior architecture; in the social-humanistic field: Management and entrepreneurship, International politics and security, Finance, in the natural-mathematical field study program: Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Engineering, Informatics.
At the "Union - Nikola Tesla" University, at faculties without the status of a legal entity, the following study programs of doctoral studies in the technical-technological field are conducted: Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning in the Social-Humanistic Field: Management of Sustainable Development, International Politics and Security, in Natural -mathematical field study programs: Environmental Protection, Informatics. In the process of accreditation, in addition to the above-mentioned programs, there is a study program in Economics.
"Union - Nikola Tesla" University is the bearer of activities in international cooperation, and in relations with domestic persons, it acts in the interest of members, organizational units, in order to realize and protect their interests. "Union - Nikola Tesla" University performs functions entrusted by law and keeps records for which it is responsible. "Union - Nikola Tesla" University is open to new members who, in accordance with the law.
Through its activities, the University "Union - Nikola Tesla" ensures that the members achieve the prescribed standards in the implementation of study programs and provide students with the appropriate quality of education provided for by the standards.
"Union - Nikola Tesla" University, through the selection process for the position of teacher, ensures the hiring of teachers who are competent in the respective fields. "Union - Nikola Tesla" University monitors and analyzes the engagement of teachers and associates and undertakes the measures it is responsible for in order to ensure quality.
"Union - Nikola Tesla" University monitors the implementation of regulations and points out shortcomings and takes measures to ensure legality, within the limits of its powers. He monitors the application of regulations and makes proposals to the competent state authorities for their change. It participates in the work of the University Conference and through it coordinates the performance of its functions with other universities in Serbia.
A vision
The study program of Basic academic studies with teaching content and application of modern education methods creates and educates highly professional staff who will apply the acquired knowledge in all areas of creativity in the domain of architecture, urbanism, construction and design.
The mission
The mission of Union Nikola Tesla University is to encourage high academic standards and enable the acquisition of knowledge aligned with social needs and national development, and strives to improve the quality of higher education. It is focused on the education of experts in construction, architecture, urban planning, management, business, ecology and environmental protection, real estate management, and international politics and security. Through continuous monitoring and analysis of goals, as well as improvement planning, the University undertakes to constantly improve the quality of work, with the support of its administrative and professional bodies and the Quality Commission.

History of the University
The company "Graditelj-inženjering" founded the Faculty of Construction Management in 2001. In 2005, the Faculty of Construction Management together with the Faculty of Design and the Faculty of Industrial Management founded UNION University. In 2010, the Faculty of Construction Management left UNION University together with the Faculty of Real Estate Management, the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business and the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection and founded the University "Union - Nikola Tesla" in 2011.
Today, "Union - Nikola Tesla" University has six faculties without a legal entity: the Faculty of Construction Management, the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business and Real Estate Management, the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection, the Faculty of International Politics and Security, the Faculty of Economics and of Finance and the Faculty of Informatics and Computing and the following faculties with the status of a legal entity: Faculty of Management, Faculty of Business Studies and Law, Faculty of Information Technologies and Engineering, Faculty of Sports, Faculty of Law, Security and Management "Konstantin the Great", Faculty for Engineering Management, Faculty of Diplomacy and Security.
The activities of the University "Union - Nikola Tesla" are based on the following principles:
- the autonomy of the institution and the academic freedom of the teaching and research staff; public work;
- appreciation of humanistic and democratic values;
- ban any form of discrimination;
- cooperation of all participants in the work process on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance and respect for professional competence;
- acceptance of international standards in the field of higher education and creation of conditions for their rational application.
"Union - Nikola Tesla" University realizes its basic activities according to the classification of activities. At the University, the following are realized:
- first degree academic studies (basic academic studies)
- second degree academic studies (master academic studies)
- third degree academic studies (PhD academic studies).
Study programs are realized at faculties without the status of a legal entity within the following educational-scientific or educational-artistic fields:
- technical and technological sciences;
- social and humanistic sciences;
- natural and mathematical sciences.
Basic tasks of the University of Union Nikola Tesla
The main task of the University "Union - Nikola Tesla" is to carry out activities of higher education and scientific-research, i.e. artistic-research activities as a component of a unique process of higher education, expert-consulting and other activities for the purpose of commercializing the results of its work, publishing activities, and also performing and other jobs that commercialize the results of scientific, research and artistic work, provided that these jobs do not jeopardize the quality of teaching.
Starting from the fact that higher education is the basis for the knowledge-based development of society and its further economic and cultural progress, the basis for the improvement of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the mission of "Union-Nikola Tesla" University is to enable the highest academic standards and ensure the acquisition of knowledge and skills in accordance with the needs of society and projected national development. In order to achieve its mission, the "Union-Nikola Tesla" University is permanently determined to strive for the improvement of the quality of higher education. The mission of "Union - Nikola Tesla" University is to become recognized for training experts in the field of construction, architecture and urbanism, management and business, ecology and environmental protection, real estate management and international politics and security. For this reason, "Union - Nikola Tesla" University, through its organizational units, continuously monitors and analyzes the achievement of its goals and plans and undertakes measures for the constant improvement of the quality of the entire work. In this, the management body, all professional bodies and the Quality Assurance and Improvement Commission ensure the unity of development directions and create the conditions and encourage all employees and all students to contribute to the continuous improvement of the quality of all areas of work.
Quality objectives
The aim of quality assurance is to achieve the goals of higher education set by the Law and the vision of further development of higher education at the University "Union-Nikola Tesla". "Union - Nikola Tesla" University sets its basic long-term quality goals:
- continuous and systematic improvement of the quality of higher education
- improving the quality of study programs,
- increasing the efficiency of studies,
- improving the quality of teaching,
- improving the process of student evaluation of teachers' pedagogical work,
- improving the quality of evaluation of student work,
- improving the quality and intensifying the scientific research work of the teaching staff.
Quality assurance measures
Quality assurance measures include:
- determining the area of quality assurance (study programs, teaching, teaching staff, student evaluation, library, space and equipment)
- mandatory self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of study programs and institutions
- international cooperation through joint study programs, exchange of teachers and students
- constant cooperation with graduated students and employers in order to check the quality of study programs and competencies acquired by students upon completion of studies.
Acquaintance of employees and students with the school's quality policy and goals - the public at work
All employees at the "Union - Nikola Tesla" University are adequately familiar with the tasks, mission, goals and quality measures:
the management of the "Union - Nikola Tesla" University participated in the creation of the quality policy and the definition of quality goals, the immediate executors, and other users of the services and products of the "Union - Nikola Tesla" University are familiar with the above through the posted policy texts and quality goals in visible places.