Application of a master meter system to ensure crude oil and natural gas quality during transportation

Perišić J., Milovanović M., Petrović I., Radovanović, Lj., Ristić, M., Speight, GJ, Perišić, V., Application of a master meter system to assure crude oil and natural gas quality during transportation, Petroleum Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis, Volume 36, Issue 16, 2018, pp. 1222-1228, Print ISSN: 1091-6466, Online ISSN: 1532-2459, DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2018.1465972.

Authors Ivana Petrović, Marina Milovanović, Jasmina Perišić and Radovanović Ljiljana, Marko Ristic, Velimir Perišić, Speight, GJ
Publication type M22
Publication field Technical and technological
Year 2018
Magazine Petroleum Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis
Volume 36
Number 16
Side of 1222
Page to 1228