Mechanisms of memory as a method of forming a cultural space as a basis for projecting the past of Kosančić's wreath

Dragana Vasiljević Tomić, Marijana M. Milanović, Mechanisms of memory as a method of forming cultural space as a basis for projecting the past of Kosančić's wreath, Proceedings from the XIII International Scientific Meeting Serbian Language, Literature, Art. 2020. Collection of art (Book 3).; p. 113-125, ISBN 978-8680896-05-7, COBIS SR-ID 248652556.

Authors Dragana Vasiljević Tomić, Marijana M. Milanović
Publication type M33
Publication field Technical and technological
Year 2020
Magazine Proceedings of the XIII International Scientific Meeting Serbian Language, Literature, Art. Art collection (Book 3), ISBN 978-8680896-05-7, COBIS SR-ID 248652556.
Number 3
Side of 113
Page to 125