Neoliberal Transformation as a Factor in Undermining Cultural Heritage in Serbia

Stevanović Miroslav, Đurđević, D., Neoliberal Transformation as a Factor in Undermining Cultural Heritage in Serbia, In Culture and social development: Thematic collection from the IV scientific conference "Research, presentation, protection and preservation of the cultural heritage of Serbia and the Serbian people", Miletič, M.; Radonić, M. (ed.), Belgrade: Faculty of Culture and Media, Megatrend University, 2019, pp. 25-38. ISBN – 978-86-7747-629-8

Authors Miroslav Stevanović, Đurđević, D.
Publication type M63
Publication field Social and humanistic
Year 2019
Magazine In Culture and social development: Thematic collection from the IV scientific conference "Research, presentation, protection and preservation of the cultural heritage of Serbia and the Serbian people", Miletič, M.; Radonić, M. (ed.), Belgrade: Faculty of Culture and Media of Megatrend University, ISBN – 978-86-7747-629-8
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