Spreading fear as an element of the West's international legal approach against the Republic of Serbia

Stevanović Miroslav, Đurđević, D., The spread of fear as an element of the international legal approach of the West against the Republic of Serbia, In: Tematski zbornik Fear in scientific and artistic creativity, Tančić, D.; Ahmetagić, J.; Elezović, D. (ed.), Leposavić: Institute for Serbian Culture, 2022, pp. 193-213. ISBN: 9788689025804

Authors Miroslav Stevanović, Đurđević, D.
Publication type M45
Publication field Social and humanistic
Year 2022
Magazine In: Thematic anthology Fear in scientific and artistic creativity, Tančić, D.; Ahmetagić, J.; Elezović, D. (ed.), Leposavić: Institute for Serbian Culture, ISBN: 9788689025804
Side of 193
Page to 213