
Union Nikola Tesla University > News > Current > Public Insight into the Doctoral Dissertation and the Report of the Committee for the Evaluation and Defense of the Doctoral Dissertation of Doctoral Candidate Miloš R. Azdejković

Public Insight into the Doctoral Dissertation and the Report of the Committee for the Evaluation and Defense of the Doctoral Dissertation of Doctoral Candidate Miloš R. Azdejković

The doctoral dissertation of doctoral candidate Miloš R. Azdejković, as well as the Report of the Committee on the completed doctoral dissertation with the topic 'The Importance and systemic reliance on the counterintelligence protection of vital national values of the state, are made available for public insight on July 2, 2024.

View the doctoral dissertation of the doctoral student at LINK.

You can view the committee's report on the completed doctoral dissertation at LINK.