Architecture and urban planning


Architecture and urban planning

Type of study:​
PhD studies
Duration of studies:​
3 years (6 semesters)
ESPB points:
Academic title:
Doctor of Science - Architecture (PhD)

The outcome of the learning process is knowledge that enables students to become capable of independent scientific and research work in the field of architecture and urbanism.

PhD studies  Architecture and urbanism  they last three years and are worth 180 ESPB. Of these, 90 ECTS are acquired by passing exams in teaching subjects, and 90 ECTS are intended for the realization of a doctoral dissertation.

In the first year, the subjects are: in the first semester: Compulsory: Methodology of scientific research work and Research skills, Elective subject 1 (History, theory and criticism in architecture and urbanism and Contemporary theory of urbanism); in the second semester: Elective subject 2 - choose 2 out of 4 (Contemporary context of architecture, urban planning and construction, Human environment and technology, Architectural and urban design and interior design and Energy efficiency) and Elective subject 3 (Selected chapters from concrete structures and Sustainable development in construction). In the second year: third semester: Compulsory: Collaborative architecture and urbanism, Architecture as a medium; in the fourth semester: Mandatory: Semantic discourse on architecture and subjects related to the preparation of a doctoral dissertation: Research and publication of papers - SIR, Doctoral dissertation - theoretical foundations - SIR; fifth semester: Doctoral dissertation - study research paper 1, sixth semester: Doctoral dissertation - study research paper 2 and Doctoral dissertation (drafting and defense of the doctoral dissertation).

Doctoral studies cannot last longer than 10 years.

The student profiles his research interest by choosing the subjects he will study and take, which contribute to detailed knowledge and understanding of the field (topic) of his doctoral dissertation.

Elective subjects are chosen from the groups of proposed subjects in the study program itself.

Teaching subjects (compulsory or optional) are taught as a group or individual (mentoring).

The decision on the type of teaching and elective courses to be organized is made by the Head of Doctoral Studies upon the proposal of the committee for the quality of the study program (study group).

The purpose of the study program is to educate students so that they are capable of high-quality and independent scientific and research work in accordance with the needs of society. On the other hand, the development of new technologies and procedures that contribute to the general development of society is enabled through the education of personnel trained to critically evaluate the research and work of others and to independently conduct original and scientifically relevant research. In addition, the purpose of this doctoral study program is to contribute to the development of science in the field of architecture and urban planning.

The Architecture and Urbanism PhD study program is designed to ensure the acquisition of competencies that are socially justifiable and useful. The Faculty of Construction Management has defined tasks and goals for the education of highly competent personnel in the field of technology, and the purpose of the Architecture and Urbanism study program is fully in line with the tasks and goals of the Faculty and with the tasks and goals of the integrated University "Union-Nikola Tesla".

Doctors of science in the field of architecture and urbanism are personnel who are qualified for independent and high-quality scientific work and for conducting relevant scientific research in the field of architecture and urbanism, that is, from all narrower scientific fields that are represented in the study program.

The education of quality PhDs is one of the basic aspects of the strategy for the development of higher education in Serbia. The existence of personnel with the highest academic education, who are engaged in the use and development of new technologies, conducting original and scientifically relevant research, and who are capable of critically evaluating the quality of the research of others, is one of the leading priorities of the Republic of Serbia. Doctors of science in the field of architecture and urban planning represent personnel who will help in the orientation of our society towards anticipation, and not only towards passive monitoring of the European economy, which has long been based on knowledge.

Personnel who are educated in the study program of doctoral studies  Architecture and urban planning  will be able to make a great contribution to moving the frontier of knowledge, i.e. to the development of architecture and urban planning and science in general, and also to, within the academic and professional context, contribute to the scientific, technological and cultural progress of society in Serbia.

The goal of the study program is for students to achieve the highest scientific competence and academic knowledge and professional skills in the field  Architecture and urbanism. This includes, among other things, the development of creative problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically, developing the ability to work in a team and mastering the specific practical skills needed to perform a profession.

The goal of the study program is to educate an expert who has enough adequate knowledge that is aligned with the modern directions of development of scientific disciplines in the world.

One of the special goals, which is in line with the goals of the education of experts at the Faculty of Construction Management and other doctoral students at the integrated University "Union-Nikola Tesla", is the development of students' awareness of the need for personal contribution to the development of society as a whole and environmental protection. The goal of the study program is also the education of experts in the field of teamwork, as well as the development of the ability to communicate and present one's original results to the scientific public.

The aim of the educational process in these doctoral studies is to provide students with comprehensive and complex knowledge in a particular narrow specialty through the attendance of elective courses and the supervision of mentors. Through research work within the doctoral dissertation, students are trained to independently organize and manage a scientific-research process of high quality and degree of originality, to make scientific contributions in architecture and urbanism with their inventive work, and to critically evaluate other research. In addition, graduates will develop a sense for quality verbal and written communication, independent presentation of scientific results, as well as for the establishment and development of international scientific cooperation.

The study program is designed in such a way that it follows modern and current directions of development in the field of architecture and urbanism in the world, with goals aligned with the goals of doctoral studies at leading technical universities in the world.

The objectives of the study program set in this way are in accordance with the tasks and objectives of the integrated University "Union-Nikola Tesla" as a higher education institution whose main activities are the performance of academic studies at all levels, the performance of basic, developmental and applied scientific research and the encouragement of development in technical and technological sciences.

The main goal of the doctoral studies in Architecture and Urbanism is to prepare candidates for independent research work at a high academic level through the teaching content and application of modern education methods.


Enabling students to independently connect the material from the subject of doctoral studies, apply previously acquired and new knowledge, in order to see the structure of the given problem and its systematic analysis in order to draw conclusions about possible ways of solving it. Through the independent use of literature, students expand their knowledge and, by using new methods, independently and creatively use new knowledge when solving assigned problems.

You can view the certificate of accreditation of doctoral studies  HERE.

Plan i program doktorskih akademskih studija po akreditaciji iz 2020.godine možete pogledati  HERE.
