
University of "Union-Nikola Tesla" > News > Faculty of International Politics and Security > The Faculty of International Politics and Security of the "Union - Nikola Tesla" University is the recipient of the Svetosavska certificate of appreciation

The Faculty of International Politics and Security of the "Union - Nikola Tesla" University is the recipient of the Svetosavska certificate of appreciation

On the occasion of the Day of the Institute for Political Studies, the Faculty of International Politics and Security of the University "Union - Nikola Tesla" was awarded the Svetosava certificate of appreciation. This prestigious award, which is named after the first Serbian educator, was presented by IPS director Dr. Miša Stojadinović to the dean of FMPB, prof. Dr. Violeta Rašković Talović for successful scientific cooperation.

Professor Rašković Talović thanked for the recognition that bears the name of the greatest Serbian teacher and torch bearer, St. Sava, emphasizing that the award obligates to even greater scientific research cooperation.
The ceremony was attended by a large number of dignitaries, including representatives of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, representatives of other ministries and state bodies, directors and researchers of institutes in the field of social sciences, rectors, deans and professors from faculties with which IPS cooperates.
