Political science

Political science

Political Science Number 3 2023  THE WHOLE MAGAZINE


Publisher: "Union-Nikola Tesla" University
Address: Cara Dušana 62-64, 11158 Belgrade
Phone: 011 2180-271
E-mail: info@unionnikolatesla.edu.rs
Website: https://www.unionnikolatesla.edu.rs/sr
ISSN: 2812-9889, Issue 1/2022, vol. 1, year I

Editor in chief
Violeta Rašković Talović

Deputy editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief
Dragan Stanar and Miša Stojadinović

Editorial office of the magazine
Dragan Stanar, Marija Đorić, Slobodan Anđelković, Dragan Trailović, Ivan Petrović, Srđan Perišić, Zoran Krsmanović

Secretary of the magazine
Nevena Jovanovic

Magazine Council
prof. Dr. Jovanka Šaranović (Institute for Strategic Research), prof. Dr. Dragan Simeunović (Faculty of Political Sciences), prof. Dr. Branislav Đorđević (Institute for International Politics and Economy), prof. Dr. Miroslav Mladenović (Faculty of Security), prof. Dr. Srđan Starčević (Military Academy)

Council members from abroad
Andrej Vladimirovich Baranov (Kuban State University, Krasnodar), Marijan Premović (Faculty of Philosophy, Podgorica), Bozhenko Ekaterina Sergeevna (Southern Federal University, Rostov)

The magazine is published twice a year electronically, in July and November, and works are published in Serbian and English

Papers published in this journal may not be reprinted, either in whole or in parts, without the express consent of the publisher. The ratings expressed in the articles are the personal views of their writers and do not express the opinion of the editors or the institutions where the authors are employed.