Environmental Protection

Fakultet za ekologiju i zaštitu životne sredine

PhD studies


Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Scientific, professional or artistic field:

Environmental Protection

The doctoral studies of the Environmental Protection study program enable students to master the latest world knowledge in the field of environmental protection and ensure a high level of professional and scientific credibility - the success of the future professional, scientific, or pedagogical-university career and the basis for the student's independent research work.

Doctoral academic studies of the three-year Environmental Protection study program include a total of 14 subjects, namely: 10 compulsory subjects and 4 electives chosen from the 8 subjects offered. Of the 10 compulsory subjects, 5 are related to study research and the preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation, in which all teachers participate. The curriculum and program of doctoral studies of the Environmental Protection study program consists of one-semester courses that carry the appropriate number of ECTS points, according to the scope of activities, the complexity of the course, the level of education and other relevant conditions. The structure of the program ensures that students acquire 60 ESPB points in each year of study (a total of 180 points during the entire study program with the preparation of a doctoral dissertation).

Elective subjects are represented by 55,561 TP3T ECTS out of a total of 180 ECTS.
The study program is completed in the course of six semesters according to the curriculum and with a defined description of each subject, number of ESPB points, teacher's name, course objective with expected outcomes, subject content, teaching method, recommended literature, number of hours of active teaching, method of checking knowledge and evaluations and other important data.

Within the study program of doctoral studies in Environmental Protection, in the first year of study, students take two compulsory courses and four electives. In the second year, students master five compulsory subjects, two of which relate to the publication of works - SIR and the theoretical foundations of SIR. In the third year, students engage in study and research work and the final preparation of a doctoral dissertation. Study research work 1 and 2 is exclusively in the function of providing prerequisites and training for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation, as well as the preparation of the doctoral dissertation itself. Doctoral studies last 3 (three) study years (6 semesters).

Active teaching consists of lectures and study research work through which the student is trained to approach the preparation of a doctoral dissertation. A student can choose any subject from the attached list of optional subjects, provided that the chosen subject contributes to his education for obtaining an academic title and prerequisites for performing the tasks for which he is directed. In this sense, at the beginning of doctoral studies, the student is assigned as an advisor one of the teachers involved in the implementation of the given study program, who has the task of guiding the student and helping him in choosing a subject. The advisor does not necessarily have to be the student's mentor when preparing the doctoral dissertation.
If a student has not mastered the course Methods of scientific and research work during his previous schooling, he is obliged to pass that course as part of his doctoral studies, and those points are not counted in the total score of the ECSC, but it is a condition for starting the preparation of a doctoral dissertation .

The doctoral dissertation is an independent original scientific work of a doctoral student in the Environmental Protection study program. For the purpose of scientific verification of the research results during the preparation of the doctoral dissertation, the candidate should publish or have accepted for publication at least one scientific paper in an international journal from the SCI list in the field of thesis, rank M21, M22, M23, in which he is the first author from a narrower scientific field - environmental protection sciences.
