Bachelor studies

Bachelor studies
Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection
Scientific, professional or artistic field:
Environmental Protection
The structure of the study program provides academic-general education courses (12,08%), theoretical-methodological courses (22,50%), scientific-professional courses (32,71%) and professional-applied courses (32,71%). It is also fulfilled that elective subjects are represented by 20,42% ESPB points.
The total number of one-semester courses is 36, of which 30 are compulsory and 6 are optional one-semester courses (chosen from 12 proposed courses). In addition to compulsory and optional subjects, in the fourth year professional practice, research contained in the final paper - IR and preparation and defense of the final paper are foreseen.
The first three years represent the basic, general and joint education of all students of this educational program. In the fourth year, students specify the problems in compulsory and optional subjects. Through elective courses, students satisfy their individual affinities, which developed during the first three years of study.
All courses are one-semester and carry the appropriate number of ECTS points, where one point corresponds to approximately 30 hours of student activity. The sequence of subjects in the study program is such that the knowledge needed for subsequent subjects is acquired in the previously performed subjects.
The syllabuses (course specifications) define the description of each course, which includes the name, type of course, year and semester of study, number of ECTS points, teacher's name, course objective with expected outcomes, knowledge and competences, prerequisites for attending the course, course content, recommended literature , teaching methods, methods of checking knowledge and evaluation and other data. The study program is harmonized with European standards in terms of enrollment conditions, duration of studies, conditions for transferring to the next year, obtaining a diploma and methods of studying.
An integral part of the curriculum OAS Environmental Protection is professional practice, which is realized in public institutions or economic organizations.
The student completes his studies by writing a final paper, which consists of the theoretical and methodological preparation necessary for a detailed understanding of the area from which the final paper is written, and the preparation of the paper itself. The final paper consists of the creation and defense of the work and is defended before a committee consisting of at least 3 teachers. The content of the study program provides the necessary knowledge for the employment of graduated students or for further training in master's studies.