PhD studies
PhD studies
Faculty of Economics
Scientific, professional or artistic field:
Economic sciences
Doctoral study program Economics (DAS Economics) is the completion of the economic education vertical. The program is modeled on relevant doctoral programs in Europe. DAS Economics aims to educate personnel for independent research work, enables doctoral students to build on previously acquired knowledge and master the methodology of scientific research work in the field they choose through the subjects and topic of the doctoral dissertation.
Scientific research and technological development of the state is connected with research activities in the public and private sector. DAS Economy develops their interdependence, which is one of the prerequisites for the propulsive development of the economy. National strategic development priorities should be based on competitive scientific research and the creation of conditions for the development of a knowledge-based society, which requires a complex connection of professional knowledge with modern scientific knowledge.
DAS Economics includes advanced knowledge of economics, individual economic areas, economic sectors and groups, as well as advanced quantitative and statistical methods, which together will enable the application of the methodology of economic and entrepreneurial thought in the complex analysis of modern problems in the economy and society and finding innovative solutions to overcome them .