Master studies

Master studies
Faculty of Economics
Scientific, professional or artistic field:
Economic sciences
The study master's program in Economics and Finance is a modernly conceived, one-year master's program of academic studies, which educates experts - master economists in economics and finance. The program is characterized by a modern approach to problem analysis and the incorporation of the latest achievements in the field of economics and finance.
The structure of the Economics and Finance study program is designed in accordance with current programs at similar higher education institutions in the country and the world, it is based on the Bologna Declaration and is in accordance with the contemporary requirements of modern business.
The main goal of the study program MAS Economics and Finance is the education of economists who are competent to perform the most complex economic tasks in the real sector and in financial institutions (banks, auditing firms and other financial organizations) and who are qualified to make complex business and financial decisions in companies, without regardless of their size and the activity to which they belong, which implies a high degree of specialized academic knowledge and business skills in the field of economics, finance and banking, and the ability to analyze and solve complex business and management problems in various areas of economy and society.
The number of subjects in the study program is compulsory (4 subjects), and the others are optional (2 are chosen from a list of 4 subjects). The ratio of ESPB points of elective subjects to the total number of points is higher than 30%, which meets the prescribed standards. A student can influence the structure of the study program with optional subjects, and thus shape his academic profile through the optional subject groups. The student defends his master's thesis in the second semester. The number of lessons for each subject is 30 lessons for teaching exercises in the winter semester.