Bachelor studies

Bachelor studies
Faculty of Economics
Scientific, professional or artistic field:
Economic sciences
The program of basic academic studies in Economics and Finance is a modern four-year program that educates experts - graduate economists. The program is characterized by a modern approach, acquisition of functional knowledge, multidisciplinarity, optionality, with a focus on solving real problems in the field of economics and finance. The structure of OAS Economics and Finance is designed in accordance with current programs at similar higher education institutions in the country and the world, it is based on the Bologna Declaration and is in accordance with the contemporary requirements of modern business.
The main goal of the study program is the education of economists who are competent to perform economic and financial affairs in the real sector and in financial institutions (banks, auditing firms and other financial organizations), who are able to integrate comprehensive knowledge in economics and finance, who have developed an economic way thinking, have mastered quantitative and analytical tools in the field of economics and finance, who have acquired competencies for solving practical problems in the field of economics and finance and who are prepared for further training at master's studies in the field of economics and finance.
The outcome of the learning process is the understanding and application of basic economic principles in solving economic and financial problems, the adoption of economic laws, the development of critical thinking and the evaluation of economic and financial alternatives, the application of quantitative techniques in economic and financial analysis, the development of creative and competent economic thinking in the analysis of a wide spectrum problems of defining and conducting economic policy.
Within the framework of the four-year study program, 41 subjects are taught without professional practice and graduation work. Teaching takes place through theoretical lectures, auditory exercises, practical work, preparation of seminar papers, execution of case studies, consultations and educational visits. An integral part of the study program are professional practice and the final thesis.
All courses are one-semester and carry the appropriate number of ECTS points. The sequence of subjects in the study program is such that the knowledge needed for subsequent subjects is acquired in previously passed subjects. The content of the study program provides the necessary knowledge for the employment of graduates or further training in master's studies.