Organization, construction technology and management of building construction

Organization, construction technology and management of building construction
Short Description
The study program Organization, construction technology and building construction management lasts one year (two semesters), has a total of 11 subjects, of which 7 are compulsory and 4 elective blocks (8 elective subjects). Each elective block contains two courses: Elective Course 1: Structural Testing and Advanced Planning Techniques, Elective Course 2: Digital Technologies in the BIM Environment and Operations Research, Elective Course 3: Construction Investment Management and Financial Management, Elective Course 4: International Construction and Innovative technologies, materials and constructions. Compulsory subjects are: Technology, rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings, Project management in construction 2, Construction technology 2, Construction organization 2, Study research work, Professional practice and Final work.
Each subject carries a specific ECSC code in accordance with the European system of transfer of points.
At the master's academic studies MAS Organization, construction technology and management of building construction, the emphasis is placed on modern organization, the choice of modern construction technologies, on managing the construction of buildings using modern methods and techniques in accordance with the rules of the modern cyber process. At the lectures, with the use of appropriate didactic tools, the intended material is presented with the necessary explanations that contribute to a better understanding of the subject matter. During the exercises, which follow the lectures, specific tasks are solved and examples are presented that additionally illustrate the material. In the exercises, additional explanations of the material presented in the lectures are given. Exercises can be auditory, laboratory, computer or computational. Compulsory professional practice is provided for students, which students perform on construction sites and in the project bureau of the founder and owner of the Faculty or by free choice in construction companies. The size of the group is determined depending on the nature of the exercises. Students' responsibilities during the exercises may also include the preparation of seminar and home papers, project assignments, semester and graphic works, whereby every activity of the students during the teaching process is monitored and evaluated according to the rules adopted at the Faculty level. The number of points earned is expressed according to a unique methodology and reflects the workload of the student.
In the second semester, in addition to other activities, active teaching is also carried out through research study work - preparing students for the preparation of the final thesis. The final paper is evaluated with 10 ESPB points.
The conditions for transferring from other study programs within the same or related fields of study are defined by the University Statute. After completing this study program, students can continue their studies at the doctoral program at the Faculty of Construction Management, or at related studies in the country and abroad.
The purpose of the study program
The purpose of the study program is to educate students for the profession of master civil engineer in accordance with the needs of society.
The study program MAS Organization, construction technology and management of building construction was designed in such a way as to ensure the acquisition of competencies that are socially justifiable and useful. The Faculty of Construction Management has defined graduation tasks and goals for the education of highly competent personnel in the field of construction. The purpose of the study program MAS Organization, construction technology and building construction management is fully in line with the graduation tasks and goals of the Faculty of Construction Management.
This master's program of academic studies is designed as a natural continuation of basic academic studies, where students acquire fundamental scientific and professional knowledge in the field of construction of various types of construction objects that are non-standard in nature or of greater capacity. Students who continue their studies in this program gain additional knowledge in specific areas of construction that do not represent everyday engineering practice, but rather complex situations that require additional knowledge and abilities to understand and solve them. Also, this program represents a necessary intermediate step towards academic education at the highest level. Students who decide to continue their academic studies at doctoral or specialist studies, get a solid enough foundation for further scientific and professional training with this program.
Through the implementation of the study program conceived in this way, master civil engineering engineers who possess competence in European and international frameworks are trained.
Objectives of the study program
The goal of the study program is to achieve academic knowledge and professional skills in the field of MAS Organization, construction technology and building construction management. This includes, among other things, the development of creative problem-solving abilities and the ability to think critically, developing the ability to work in a team and mastering the specific practical skills required by the profession.
The goal of the study program is to educate an expert in modern organization, construction technology and building construction management.
One of the special goals, which is in line with the goals of the education of experts at the Faculty of Construction Management, is the development of awareness among students for the needs of permanent education, development of society as a whole and environmental protection.
The goal of the study program is also the education of experts in the field of teamwork, as well as the development of the ability to communicate and present your results to professionals and the general public.
In order to effectively achieve the stated goals, the following tasks were set within the study program MAS Organization, construction technology and construction management:
- Improving the quality and educational level of the teaching staff through the organization of scientific and professional gatherings in the field of construction;
- Harmonization of study curricula with the curricula of the world's leading educational institutions;
- Permanent innovation of teaching plans and programs;
- Organization of cooperation with appropriate professional organizations and educational institutions in the country and abroad - in accordance with the Bologna processes;
- Establishing international cooperation in the form of professional and scientific contacts of professors and students from abroad;
- Education of high-quality professional and scientific personnel necessary for the realization of the strategy of sustainable development.
The profile of personnel with the aforementioned knowledge and abilities is necessary in the phase of restructuring in all sectors of the economy and administration, as well as the global reorientation of the economy aimed at sustainable development, with the aim of joining modern European and world trends.
One of the specific goals of this study program is to introduce students to research work, as preparation for doctoral studies at this faculty.
The main goal of the study program
The goal of the study program is to educate experts who possess sufficient knowledge of modern organization, construction technology and construction management. The goal of the study program. MAS Organization, construction technology and building construction management is fully in line with the basic tasks and goals of the Faculty of Construction Management.
Outcomes of the study program
Students who complete the Master's academic studies MAS Organization, construction technology and management of building construction are competent to solve real and complex problems from construction practice, as well as to continue their education if they decide to do so. Competencies include, first of all, the development of critical thinking skills, the ability to analyze problems, synthesize solutions, predict the behavior of the chosen solution with a clear idea of the good and bad sides of the chosen solution.
Upon completion of the MAS Organization, Construction Technology and Construction Management Master's study program, the student acquires the following general academic and personal abilities:
- analysis, synthesis and application of knowledge from various engineering fields, to recognize, describe and solve the most complex engineering problems;
- solving problems using a computer using different numerical methods, with the application of existing computer programs;
- exchange of information, ideas, problems and solutions with people in the profession and outside the profession;
- development of critical and self-critical thinking and approach, as well as a positive attitude towards the importance of lifelong learning in personal and professional development;
- cooperation in professional team work and taking an ethical position in solving the most complex engineering problems
Upon completion of the MAS Organization, Construction Technology and Management of Building Construction Master's program, the student acquires the following subject-specific abilities in addition to the competencies acquired in basic academic studies:
- creation of projects of organization and construction technology for all types of buildings, with optimization of technological procedures and necessary mechanization;
- creation of dynamic plans, control of dynamics and analysis of work delays;
- planning and control of costs, measurement and calculation of performed works, preparation of documentation for payment of work, assessment of feasibility of projects, assessment of market values of real estate;
- quality management, value engineering studies, risk and human resources management;
- management of construction companies and management of works on construction sites of complex construction projects (building structures in high-rise construction, craft and finishing works, road and railway infrastructure, airports, communal hydrotechnical infrastructure, construction geotechnical facilities, dams and other hydrotechnical and engineering facilities);
- contract preparation and/or participation in tender procedures for public procurement;
- BIM management, project management using BIM, building databases for construction purposes, information management in construction and application of data inference software;
- professional supervision over the performance of works on all types of buildings.
Graduated students of the master's study program MAS Organization, construction technology and building construction management are able to write and present the results of their work in an appropriate manner. During studies, it is insisted on using modern information and other technologies as intensively as possible. Students who complete this level of study have the competence to monitor and apply innovations in the modern organization of construction, technological processes in construction, planning, management and management of building construction. During education, the student acquires the ability to independently analyze and statistically process the obtained results, as well as to formulate and draw appropriate conclusions. Students of the study program MAS Organization, construction technology and management of building construction acquire knowledge of how to economically use the natural resources of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Special attention is paid to the development of teamwork skills and the development of professional ethics.
You can view the certificate of accreditation of the study program from 2022 HERE.
You can view the plan and program of master's academic studies by accreditation from 2022 HERE.
You can view the certificate of accreditation of the study program from 2016 HERE.
You can view the plan and program of master's academic studies according to accreditation from 2016 HERE.
You can download the course book in RAR file format HERE