
Short Description
Bachelor academic studies (1st degree) at the Faculty of Construction Management, University "Union - Nikola Tesla" in Belgrade have 240 ESPB points. A person who has completed a four-year secondary education and passed the entrance exam in mathematics can enroll in the study program of basic academic studies.
Bachelor academic studies take place over eight semesters (four years). The study program of basic academic studies is a set of mandatory and optional subjects with a framework content: academic-general education subjects (14,17%), theoretical-methodological subjects (18,33%), scientific-professional subjects (35,42%) and professional-applied subjects (32,08%), the mastery of which ensures the necessary knowledge and skills of a civil engineering graduate.
The Civil Engineering study program is defined in accordance with the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia and the Bologna Declaration and is designed to provide an adequate basis for future work in construction. In the first phase, which represents the basis for understanding the engineering profession, the study program includes fundamental theoretical subjects such as mathematics, physics, design geometry, geology, mechanics, etc. In addition, students acquire basic practical knowledge in the application of computer technology for the needs of construction (computer drawing). After that, the student becomes familiar with the basics of construction engineering through scientific and professional subjects, in the domains of: building materials, material resistance, construction theory, soil mechanics, foundations, hydraulic engineering, concrete and metal constructions, construction management and technology, etc.
The Civil Engineering study program lasts four years (divided into 8 semesters) and is worth 240 ESPB points (4x60 ESPB), has a total of 50 subjects, of which 41 are compulsory subjects and 18 are optional (9 elective blocks). Each elective block contains two subjects. According to the timetable, there are 11 subjects in the first year (of which Elective subject 1: English language 1 and Arabic language 1), in the second year 11 subjects, in the third year 13 (of which Elective subject 2: English language 2 and Arabic language 2, Elective subject 3 . Construction machinery and Tenders and construction contracts) and on the fourth 15 including professional practice, research work and final paper (of which Elective subject 4: Project management in construction 1 and Design management in construction, Elective subject 5: Energy efficiency and Concrete technology , Elective 6: Environmental Engineering and Occupational Health and Safety Management, Elective 7: Modern Industrial Construction Methods and Finishing Works and Installations, Elective 8: International Construction Regulations and Construction Economics, Elective 9: English Specialized Course 1 and English specialized course 2.
The purpose of the study program
The purpose of the bachelor academic study program of OAS Civil Engineering is to educate highly skilled, clearly profiled personnel in the field of construction.
The OAS Civil Engineering study program is designed to ensure the acquisition of competencies that are socially justifiable and useful. The Faculty of Construction Management has defined basic tasks and goals for the purpose of educating highly competent personnel from the technical-technological field and the field of construction. The purpose of the OAS Civil Engineering study program is fully in line with the basic tasks and goals of the Faculty of Construction Management.
This study program of OAS Civil Engineering has a direct social purpose to train personnel for the large economic branch of the same name, whose role in the overall development of society is of crucial importance. In Serbia, the design and implementation of several large infrastructure projects is underway, and further intensification of activities in this area is expected in the coming period. For this reason, there is an evident need for qualified civil engineers who should be involved in work in this economic branch, and thus for their adequate education.
The program of bachelor academic studies, as the first in a series of these programs, is primarily aimed at acquiring knowledge in fundamental sciences related to the construction profession, while not neglecting the professional knowledge necessary for everyday engineering work. For students for whom this degree of education will also be the final one, the program provides a wide range of competences in the field of design and construction of various types of construction facilities that are standard in nature, or of smaller capacity. Students who decide to continue their academic studies at higher levels receive with this program a solid enough foundation for successfully following more complex disciplines in advanced study programs.
The implementation of the study program designed in this way educates civil engineering graduates who possess competence in European and international frameworks.
Bachelor academic studies last four years. Upon completion of studies, the candidate acquires 240 ESPB points and the professional title of graduate civil engineer, in accordance with the accredited study program of the first degree. All candidates who have completed a four-year secondary education and passed the entrance exam in mathematics can enroll in the offered study program of bachelor academic studies of the Faculty of Construction Management, University "UNION - NIKOLA TESLA" in Belgrade. Students of related faculties can enroll in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year on the basis of a certificate of passed exams, and on the 4th year on the basis of the obtained diploma of a three-year academic education (180 ESPB). Enrollment of candidates for studies is carried out on the basis of a competition.
Objectives of the study program
The goals and tasks of the Faculty of Construction Management are aligned with the goals of higher education in the Republic of Serbia, the Law on Higher Education and the Statute of the University of Belgrade. The goals of the bachelor academic study program at the Faculty of Construction Management indicate what to strive for and what is the desired result and outcome of studying. It is primarily reflected in the intention for graduates to achieve a high level of competence and academic skills, as well as to perfect the methodologies for their acquisition. Concrete results in the field of higher education in construction are especially emphasized as the main goals. One of the more priority goals is the high-quality transfer of significant scientific and professional knowledge and skills in the field of design and management in construction, as well as the development and improvement of scientific and research activities.
The study program of bachelor academic studies has a realistic and clearly defined goal that stems from the vision and mission of the Faculty to provide all students with equal opportunities for quality further education and progress in their future work. The study program is based on the achievements of science in the field of construction and the needs of the labor market, that is, of the state and private sectors, with the aim of providing the necessary knowledge and skills for graduated civil engineers, and is realized through a four-year educational process.
In addition to the basic educational goals and tasks, the Faculty of Construction Management also develops scientific and research activities in the field of construction. As one of its basic tasks, the faculty determines quality education and training of highly competent engineers. At the Faculty, they acquire broad interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge, that is, they acquire and develop complex professional, professional and work skills and abilities, with provided opportunities for permanent specialist training and academic advancement. In order to realize the tasks of its basic teaching and educational activities, the Faculty realizes the following levels and types of study programs: study program of bachelor academic studies - OAS Civil Engineering; study program of master's academic studies - MAS General Construction and MAS Organization, construction technology and building construction management; study program of doctoral academic studies - DAS Civil Engineering.
The aim of the study program is to achieve academic knowledge and professional skills in the field of construction.
The OAS Civil Engineering study program was established with the following goals:
- training students to apply the necessary knowledge from fundamental scientific disciplines (mathematics, physics, mechanics, etc.).
- achievement of professional competencies of students from various fields of construction through scientific-professional and professional-applied courses,
- development of students' creative abilities to consider engineering problems and their critical thinking skills,
- developing teamwork skills,
- developing professional ethics,
- developing the ability to publicly present work results,
- training in the use of common computer tools for creating documents, presentations, performing calculations and simulations,
- training for continuing education at higher levels.
The main goal of the study program
The goal of the study program is to educate experts who possess sufficient knowledge of the basics of design, organization and construction technology, planning and management of building construction. The goal of the OAS Construction study program is fully in line with the basic tasks and goals of the Faculty of Construction Management.
With an innovative study program in the field of construction, hydraulic engineering and environmental engineering, traffic infrastructure, in the field of management and construction technology, the Faculty, i.e. The university adapts to the new times in an effort to respond in the best possible way to the current needs of society in this economic branch, while ensuring the highest academic standards.
Outcomes of the study program
Students who have completed bachelor studies at Civil Engineering are competent to solve real problems from practice, as well as to continue their education if they decide to do so. Competencies include, first of all, the development of critical thinking skills, the ability to analyze problems, synthesize solutions, predict the behavior of the chosen solution with a clear idea of the good and bad sides of the chosen solution.
Students of this level of study have the competence to apply knowledge in practice and follow and apply innovations in the profession, they are trained to design, organize, plan and manage the construction of simpler buildings.
After completing the program of bachelor academic studies in Civil Engineering, the student acquires general competencies:
- mastering the methods, procedures and processes of scientific research;
- analysis, synthesis and application of fundamental knowledge (mathematics, physics and chemistry) to recognize, describe and solve practical standard engineering problems;
- solving problems using computers using different methods in programming;
- design, creation and processing of information models of objects;
- understanding of chemical principles of water quality characterization and control;
- understanding of rational space management and understanding the principles for assessing the impact of buildings on the environment;
- knowledge of basic legal and economic concepts, market laws and mechanisms;
- exchange of information, ideas, problems and solutions with people in the profession and outside the profession;
- development of critical and self-critical thinking and approach, as well as a positive attitude towards the importance of lifelong learning in personal and professional development;
- cooperation in professional team work and taking an ethical stance in solving standard engineering problems;
Upon completion of studies, the student acquires subject-specific competencies for the field of construction:
- creation of architectural and construction projects, construction of construction objects and creation of graphic documentation on the computer;
- knowledge and application of different building materials in building constructions;
- application of models and methods of calculation of structural elements;
- application of engineering geology in planning, designing and execution of construction facilities and works;
- soil identification and definition of basic physical and mechanical parameters;
- application of basic geostatic calculations, design and execution of geotechnical constructions;
- analysis, dimensioning, drawing plans of formwork and reinforcement elements of reinforced concrete structures;
- understanding of the disposition of steel halls and mezzanine structures of buildings, load analysis and dimensioning of elements;
- understanding of the basic principles and rules of design, calculation and execution of wooden structures;
- understanding of the basic principles and rules of design, calculation and construction of masonry structures;
- understanding the basic principles and rules of designing, calculating and executing concrete structures;
- understanding the basic principles and rules of designing, calculating and performing metal constructions;
- understanding hydrotechnical activities within human communities and multidisciplinary assessment of the consequences of those activities;
- understanding and acquiring basic knowledge in the field of planning, designing, construction of hydrotechnical structures;
- understanding and acquiring basic knowledge in the field of planning, designing, construction of roads;
- design of organization and construction technology and execution of works on buildings;
- knowledge of the cost structure in construction, the basic concepts of determining the value of works and the importance of legal regulations;
- overview of the basic tasks of geodesy in construction, application of modern methods and tools for collecting, processing and analyzing geospatial data in solving engineering tasks;
- monitoring and application of news in the profession;
- the use of information and communication technologies in order to develop skills and advance in the profession.
You can view the certificate of accreditation of the study program from 2022 HERE.
You can view the plan and program of bachelor academic studies by accreditation from 2022 HERE.
You can view the certificate of accreditation of the study program from 2016 HERE.
You can view the plan and program of bachelor academic studies according to accreditation from 2016 HERE.
You can download the course book in RAR file format HERE