Architecture and urban planning


Architecture and urban planning

Type of study:​
Bachelor studies
Duration of studies:​
4 years (8 semesters)
ESPB points:
Academic title:
Bachelor of science in Architecture

Bachelor academic studies (1st degree) at the Faculty of Construction Management, University "Union - Nikola Tesla" in Belgrade have 240 ESPB points. A person who has completed a four-year secondary education and passed the entrance exam from the test of general culture and education, with elements of logical reasoning and perception, can enroll in the study program of basic academic studies.

Bachelor academic studies take place over eight semesters (four years). The study program of basic academic studies is a set of compulsory and optional subjects, mastering which provides the necessary knowledge and skills of a graduate in architectural engineering.

The Architecture and Urbanism study program is defined in accordance with the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia and the Bologna Declaration and is designed to provide an adequate basis for the future work of an architect. In the first phase, which represents the basis for understanding the engineering profession, the study program includes fundamental theoretical subjects such as constructions, design, design geometry, sustainable architecture, etc. In addition, students acquire basic practical knowledge in the application of computer technology for the needs of architecture (computer drawing).

The Architecture and Urbanism study program lasts four years (divided into 8 semesters) and is worth 240 ECTS points (4x60 ECTS), has a total of 59 subjects, of which 49 are compulsory subjects and 20 are optional (10 elective blocks). Each elective block contains two subjects. According to the schedule, there are 16 subjects in the first year (of which Elective subject 1: English language 1 and Arabic language 1, Elective subject 2: English language 2 and Arabic language 2), in the second year 15 subjects (of which Elective subject 3: Arabic specialized course 1, English specialized course 1, Elective subject 4: English specialized course 2, Arabic specialized course 2), on the third 14 (of which Elective subject 5: Culturology and Principles of Universal Design), on the fourth 14 (of which Elective subject 6: Energy efficiency, Environmental engineering, of which Elective subject 7: Design in architecture, Design management in construction, of which Elective subject 8: Project management in construction 1, Graphic design, of which Elective subject 9: Modern methods of industrial construction, Installations and final works in construction, of which Elective subject 10: Preservation of architectural heritage, Restoration and reconstruction of buildings.

The goal of the bachelor academic study program OAS Architecture and Urbanism is to provide education of highly qualified experts with precisely defined profiles in the field of architecture and urbanism. The conceptualization of the OAS Architecture and Urbanism study program includes the structuring of the curriculum in a way that enables the acquisition of competencies that are relevant and useful for society as a whole. The Faculty of Construction Management has set basic tasks and goals with the aim of educating highly competent experts in technical and technological fields, as well as in the fields of architecture and urban planning. The purpose of the OAS Architecture and Urbanism study program is fully in line with the basic tasks and goals of the Faculty of Construction Management.

The aforementioned OAS Architecture and Urbanism study program has a direct social purpose of training personnel for a prominent economic branch that plays a key role in the overall development of society. In Serbia, there are currently several significant architectural and urban projects in the planning and implementation phase, and further strengthening of activities in this area is expected in the coming period. For these reasons, there is an evident need for qualified architectural engineers who would be actively involved in work in this economic branch, which at the same time requires adequate education in order to meet the needs of the labor market.

The program of bachelor academic studies, as the first in a series of these programs, is primarily aimed at acquiring basic knowledge in fundamental sciences related to the architectural profession, while also taking into account the professional knowledge necessary for everyday engineering activities. For students for whom this degree of education will be the final one, the program provides a wide range of competencies in the field of design and realization of various types of architectural objects. Those students who decide to pursue further academic studies at higher levels receive a solid foundation through this program, which enables them to successfully follow more complex disciplines on advanced study programs. Through the implementation of a study program conceived in this way, graduate engineers of architecture and urbanism with competencies that correspond to European and world standards are trained.

Bachelor academic studies last four years. Upon completion of studies, the candidate acquires 240 ESPB points and the professional title of graduate engineer of architecture and urban planning, in accordance with the accredited study program of the first degree. The offered study program of bachelor academic studies of the Faculty of Construction Management, "UNION - NIKOLA TESLA" University in Belgrade, can be enrolled by all candidates who have completed a four-year secondary education and passed the entrance exam from the test of general culture and education, with elements of logical reasoning. and observations. Students of related faculties can enroll in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year on the basis of certificates of passed exams, and on the 4th year on the basis of the obtained diploma of a three-year academic education (180 ESPB). Enrollment of candidates for studies is carried out on the basis of a competition.

The aim of the study program is to develop a thorough and balanced basis for achieving knowledge, competences and skills in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning. This includes, among other things, the development of creative abilities and the ability to think critically, the development of a tendency for teamwork and the mastery of specific practical skills required for practicing the profession.

One of the special goals, which is in line with the goals of the education of experts at the Faculty of Construction Management, is the development of students' awareness of the need for permanent education, the development of society as a whole and the improvement of the quality of living space. The goal of the study program is to familiarize students with the challenges and advantages of teamwork, which is extremely important for the field of architecture and urbanism, because the profession is conceived as a team and multidisciplinary. In addition, through the teaching process, students develop the ability to communicate and coherently present their ideas, design concept, research results, thereby mastering the forms of quality communication with professionals and the general public.

In the process of restructuring the Serbian economy, educated, well-profiled personnel are especially sought after for the introduction of world and European standards in all business domains. The implementation of new educational standards and technologies in the teaching process are marked as important goals of this study program, which is in accordance with the goals and tasks of the Faculty of Construction Management, where this program is conducted. For the effective achievement of the stated goals, within the study program
ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING basic academic studies of the Faculty of Construction Management have the following tasks:
• Improving the quality and educational level of the teaching staff through the organization of scientific and professional gatherings in the field of architecture and urbanism;
• Aligning the curricula of basic studies with the essence of the curricula of the world's leading educational institutions and with the EU directives on regulated professions
• Permanent innovation of teaching plans and programs;
• Finding new ways to incorporate practice into theory;
• Establishing permanent and secure communication links with the latest scientific achievements through international cooperation in the form of professional and scientific contacts of professors and students and cooperation with appropriate professional organizations and educational institutions in the country and abroad;
• Education of high-quality professional-scientific personnel necessary for the implementation of the development strategy.
• Achieving quality equivalent to European and world standards.
• Networking of the institution with business entities in order to carry out professional practice.

The main goal of the study program ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING is to educate personnel with a high degree of expertise to perform complex and creative tasks in the field of Architecture and Urbanism, with its interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature.

The outcome of the learning process is the acquisition of the basic qualifications of architects that enable the continuation of studies at master's academic studies in architecture in the country and abroad that have similar structured study programs and access to the labor market in areas and job levels that are in accordance with the acquired knowledge and skills. Completion of basic academic studies enables the employment of graduate students in the status of associates in a number of professions in the field of architecture, urban planning and architectural technologies.

Teaching is conducted through lectures, exercises, consultations, preparation of seminar papers and practical work of students according to the curriculum and content of individual subjects. At the lectures, with the use of appropriate didactic tools, the intended material is presented, but on this occasion the students are also informed about the research trends in the respective field. During the exercises, which follow the lectures, students deal with the subject area by working on specific project tasks or research topics, thus coming into the most direct contact with the material being presented. Exercises can be auditory, laboratory, computer or computational. Exercises from basic subjects that deal directly with the problems of architectural and urban planning have a consultative character and are based on personal contact between the lecturer and the student.

Depending on the nature of the exercises, the size of the group is determined. If individual contact between teachers and students is necessary for the organization of classes, then the exercises are organized in small groups, with a significant amount of classes. This is especially true for basic subjects, which deal with issues of design, architecture or urban planning, and basic training.

You can view the supplement to the certificate of accreditation of the study program  HERE.

You can view the certificate of accreditation of the study program from 2022  HERE.

You can view the plan and program of bachelor academic studies by accreditation from 2022  HERE.

You can view the certificate of accreditation of the study program from 2016  HERE.

You can view the plan and program of bachelor academic studies according to accreditation from 2016  HERE.

You can download the course book in RAR file format  HERE
