Faculty of International Politics and Security

Faculty of International Politics and Security
Welcome to the Faculty of International Politics and Security, the most elite and exclusive accredited educational institution in the region, where the top scientific staff creates internationally recognized experts, using the most modern teaching methods and the most relevant scientific literature!
Renowned scientists from the field of classical sciences, as well as lecturers with extensive practical experience in the security and international relations sector, are the guarantors of the unique and exciting study program offered by the Faculty of International Politics and Security. According to the high standards of the elite Belgrade University Union - Nikola Tesla, which includes the Faculty of International Politics and Security, students are guaranteed unsurpassed working conditions, the absolute dedication of lecturers, as well as lectures by visiting European and international experts and successful diplomats.
As the first private faculty in the field of political science in the region, the Faculty of International Politics and Security achieves successful cooperation with several related elite universities throughout Europe, and provides the possibility of scholarships for the best students.
Since the goal of the Faculty of International Politics and Security is to create experts with broad theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills, students get a unique opportunity to gain practice in the most important institutions of the security and defense system of the Republic of Serbia. The field of security and politics is very specific, and requires capable experts, who, in addition to higher education, must also possess a unique set of skills, such as martial arts and languages of invaluable importance to the security sector. The Faculty of International Politics and Security is an ideal and unique environment for acquiring all the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills to work in all spheres of the security and defense system, because in the program that follows the standards of elite European institutions, in addition to English, it also offers the study of the Arabic language, as and martial arts training.
The Faculty of International Politics and Security is a unique opportunity for young people, who are aware of the importance and necessity of a stable security and defense system, to become fully trained for work in the most important state institutions during their undergraduate and master's studies.
The Faculty of International Politics and Security achieves intensive cooperation with reference institutions in the country and abroad, especially in the field of scientific and teaching activities, organization of joint expert meetings, seminars and publications. Agreements and memoranda of cooperation were signed with:
- Institute for International Politics and Economy https://www.diplomacy.bg.ac.rs/
- Office of the National Security and Intelligence Council http://www.nsa.gov.rs/index.php
- Military-technical gazette http://www.vtg.mod.gov.rs/
– Tambov State University, Tambov, Russian Federation http://www.tsutmb.ru/
- Independent Police Union https://nsp-policija.org.rs/
- Cuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation, https://www.kubsu.ru/
- Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran https://www.iran.rs/
– Adygea State University, Maykopf, Russian Federation http://www.adygent.rs/
– Institut za političke studije https://www.ips.ac.rs/
– Univerzitet odbrane, Vojna akademija https://www.va.mod.gov.rs/
– Univerzitet ADA u Azerbejdžanu https://www.ada.edu.az/
– Univerzitet „Matej Bel“ u Banskoj Bistrici, Slovačka https://www.umb.sk/en/
– Policijska akademija, Ankara https://www.pa.edu.tr/en/president
– Diplomatska akademija pri MID RF https://www.dipacademy.ru/en/