
Union Nikola Tesla University > News > Current > SCREENING OF THE MOVIE "Tokyo Ride"


Dr. Bojan Končarević


Dear students and academic colleagues.

I invite you to on Friday 10.05.2024. starting at 6 p.m. and lasting 90 minutes,
together we observe, watch and understand a film about architecture called -Tokyo Ride-, by contemporary authors and film producers Il Bêk and Louise Lemoine, who create a special form of video art that introduces a new narrative of architectural criticism.

The applied filming technique and film narrative of the innovative duo introduces, as the French writer Georges Perec said - the anthropology of the everyday. Thus the idea of architecture
re-presents not only through the idea of spatial, but also through its incorporation into everyday human experience acquired precisely through the use of spatial language.
The Tokyo Ride film largely takes place while driving and talking inside the vintage Alfa Romeo of architect Ryue Nishizawa [Sanaa], and through stopping points and looking at the general and personal determinants of architecture and life relationships within the conurbation of Tokyo.

The place of the projection is the amphitheater room on the sixth floor of the Faculty with adequate refreshments.
Before the projection itself, I will give a short oral introduction for a more meaningful understanding of the video.
I hope that the film material will help you to upgrade your critical perception of the architecture of both other authors and your student studio projects.
Please don't be late.

Students who decide to attend the film screening should send their: first and last name and index number to
email address: in order to gain insight into the number of attendees.
*any change in the day, time and location of the screening will be announced at least one day before the screening;
assistant professor Bojan Končarević