Management and entrepreneurship

Management and entrepreneurship
Short Description
The second-level master's program at the MAS Management and Entrepreneurship study program is a logical continuation of the existing study program at the first level of the OAS Entrepreneurial Business study program.
The structure of the study program MAS Management and Entrepreneurship is designed in accordance with higher education institutions in the country and the world, it is in line with the existing level of development in the field of management and entrepreneurship in companies, it is based on the Bologna Declaration and is in accordance with the requirements arising from the practical application of the necessary knowledge in modern business in the field of management and entrepreneurship.
The purpose of the study program
The purpose of the master academic study program MAS Management and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business and Real Estate Management is to educate highly professional, clearly profiled personnel in the field of management and entrepreneurship who will be able to apply their specific knowledge and skills in modern business with their knowledge and competences. The competencies that students acquire at these master's studies have a high social value and fully justify the existence of this study program, which is mostly oriented towards the improvement of entrepreneurial and managerial knowledge and abilities.
The Master academic study program MAS Management and Entrepreneurship is in accordance with the needs of our economy and global processes, because personnel with these competencies represent a crucial component of the most successful economies in the world, where entrepreneurship is essential for success and economic development. Our economy is in the process of post-transition and modern global challenges, which points to the great importance of applying entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, so this master's academic study program significantly contributes to the improvement of the educational structure in the country.
In modern conditions in our economy, small and medium-sized enterprises become generators of development and new jobs, which requires capable and competent personnel who will take leading roles in these enterprises in order to successfully operate, grow and develop. Also, large companies need entrepreneurially oriented managers, both in the creation of new business ventures by those companies, and in the introduction of necessary strategic changes and innovations. The world's most developed economies, which traditionally practice entrepreneurship and base their economic development on entrepreneurial principles, train their staff with these and similar programs.
A dynamic and complex business environment requires modern entrepreneurial and managerial knowledge and skills that will respond to business challenges in the most effective and efficient way. The MAS Management and Entrepreneurship program provides advanced opportunities for the education of entrepreneurially oriented personnel, for the preparation of managers for key positions and responsibilities and important professional roles in companies regardless of size and economic branch, for administrative and commercial managers in the economy, including the highest positions of general and executive directors as well as business consultants for entrepreneurship and management.
Bearing in mind the needs of our society for such personnel, this study program shows its full social justification. The purpose of this graduate study program is consistent with the basic tasks and goals of the Faculty where the program is conducted. This consistency is reflected in continuous work on personal development, improvement of the educational process and the quality of teaching. Educational standards and technologies are implemented in accordance with the Bologna Declaration and cooperation is achieved with similar institutions in Europe and the world in order to exchange experiences in pedagogical work, exchange of teachers and students and their involvement in scientific research work on projects of common interest.
The previous indicators indicate that the purpose of this graduate study program at the Faculty is clearly formulated and generally accepted. It unequivocally demonstrates its internal coherence, proves the rationality and justification of its existence, synchronized with the institution's mission and general economic and social goals.
The purpose of the study program is in accordance with the basic goals of the higher education institution where the program is conducted.
Objectives of the study program
The PhD study program entitled Management of Sustainable Development at the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business and Real Estate Management aims to educate and improve personnel in the current and complex field of sustainable development, which is essential for the problems and challenges of the 21st century.
Such postgraduate courses are currently held in several countries of the European Union and in the wider world, they are in line with European and world aspirations, including the efforts of the United Nations and the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals, and aim to provide staff from a complex scientific field Management of sustainable development.
The goal of the study program is to identify key contemporary topics and challenges in the management of sustainable development, encourage students to research and develop new concepts in this complex discipline, develop student expertise through analysis, application of the scientific method and multidisciplinary research. The study program ensures the education of young researchers and scientists for the needs of academia, business and local governments. Upon completion of the studies, participants will be qualified to conduct applied research at a high level. The participants will be provided with theoretical and methodological teaching and mentoring that will guide them to modern scientific achievements.
Responsible business is crucial for growth, productivity, innovation and job creation. Furthermore, every company has the potential to contribute to economic, social and environmental progress. On the other hand, companies have the benefits of operating in an advanced society, which has an effective infrastructure, a predictable political environment and a healthy environment, all of which are crucial for their long-term growth. The goal of the study program is to explore the unique potentials of business and how to manage these potentials for the prosperity of business and society, along with progress in the field of environmental protection and natural resources.
Sustainable development requires a multi-stakeholder partnership between governments, businesses and civil society organizations. One of the goals of the study program is to understand the importance of collaboration between different actors and the ways to achieve this collaboration to solve problems in the implementation of systemic changes as a response to the challenges of sustainable development in the 21st century.
The goal of the study program is also the education of experts in the field of teamwork, as well as the development of the ability to engage in scientific work and to communicate and present one's original results to the scientific public. One of the special goals is to develop students' awareness of the need for personal contribution to the development of society as a whole, taking into account economic, social and ecological aspects.
The aim of the program is to educate personnel who should provide answers to complex problems from various disciplines for which there are no known solutions. The program is intended for prospective postgraduates from various disciplines who want to conduct interdisciplinary research related to the challenges of Sustainable Development.
The main goal of the study program
The main goal of the study program MAS Management and Entrepreneurship is to deepen existing and adopt new general and special theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management in companies, for the professional performance of specialist jobs and jobs that involve research, development and methodological superstructure for work on professional, collaborative, consulting and managerial jobs in companies, consulting houses, research-innovation and other organizations and institutions, as well as within entrepreneurial ventures; on the development of new skills through research activities with the aim of competently solving practical and theoretical problems of a research-development and innovative nature, critical interpretation in relation to applied models, procedures and achieved research results, as well as further improvement of knowledge in all forms of professional activity and abilities necessary for continuing study at a higher level of education.
Also, the goal of this study program is to train students to independently conceive and conduct research in the field of management and entrepreneurship, effectively solve professional problems, as well as critical and creative thinking, team work, as well as the development of the ability to communicate and transfer one's own knowledge and results to colleagues at work and their publication to the scientific, professional and general public.
By acquiring knowledge from theoretical-methodological and scientific subjects, students will be able to independently make correct business decisions, through which, on the one hand, changes in the current state, i.e. procedures, which should correspond to the outline of the desired future, i.e., in making decisions through which, on the other hand, transformative changes are realized. The program ensures, in the full sense of the word, successful professional treatment and career development of the Master of Management.
The special goal of this study program is to provide knowledge that will enable the mobility of students not only within the national, but also international community, as well as the formation of scientific and professional young people who will be able to respond to the challenges of modern scientific achievements in the field of management and entrepreneurship.
With the harmonized curriculum of the Faculty of MAS Management and Entrepreneurship with the plans and programs of institutions from the countries of the European Union and the world, students get the opportunity to test their knowledge abroad.
Since the activity of the Faculty of Strategic and Operational Management is based on the principles of the Bologna Declaration, students are given the opportunity to continue their studies both in the country and abroad.
One of the special goals, which is in line with the goals of the master's degree in management at the Faculty, is to develop students' awareness of the need for permanent education in the field of management and entrepreneurship. The completed student will know how to present his work and training on specific business processes in various ways.
The goal of the study program is preparation for continuing scientific and professional training (on specialist and doctoral studies).
Other goals of MAS Management and Entrepreneurship determined from the point of view:
Companies - In the sense that the education of Master of Management personnel will fill a large gap in educational profiles that are lacking in economic organizations, especially in the field of management and entrepreneurial activities of the Serbian economy and society, and the lack of which is one of the main causes of the low effectiveness and efficiency of those organizations, and especially the gap in the field of research and scientific activities.
Founder - In the sense of striving to achieve a high quality of the work process (studying) and the quality of master's knowledge of management at the level provided by well-known European/international faculties of the same/similar education profile. The basis of the subject aspiration is based on the knowledge and experience of the teaching staff and on the desire of students to put maximum effort into their own quality education. The achievement of the set goals contributes to the overall scientific and professional affirmation of the founder in the area of education in the Republic of Serbia and beyond.
Students - who get the opportunity to be educated according to the most modern educational principles: small study groups, teamwork, participation in work on Faculty projects, creative mentoring, guidance and supervision, etc.
Faculty - Satisfying the needs of society, founders and students through: use of new educational technologies and tools, efficiency of the study process, improvement of students' working conditions, efficiency of practical solutions and applications, etc.
The formulated goals of the study program also serve as a standard for controlling the effectiveness of the content of teaching and scientific disciplines, which is a kind of quality of the program itself. This is important to point out precisely because the formulation of the rational goals of the study program was conditioned by prior knowledge of trends in the contemporary domestic and foreign business environment.
Outcomes of the study program
Competence of the Master of Management in the study program MAS Management and Entrepreneurship is expressed through acquaintance, understanding, practical recognition and application of the basic principles of management, necessary for making decisions and taking responsibility for their work results, achieving efficiency and effectiveness of business operations of business companies. Competence is also a special dimension of student development in performing their business activities in terms of creating both material and, to a certain extent, immaterial values (values, but also values in the domain of management and entrepreneurship, contribution to the development of social wills, etc.) , which is the assumption that they achieve a professional position with a more permanent distinctive dimension compared to others, and also that they give their full contribution to teamwork in the business companies in which they will realize their business engagements.
By mastering the MAS Management and Entrepreneurship academic study program, students acquire the following general competencies:
- Ability to properly analyze a given situation, synthesize collected data, predict possible consequences and adequately solve problems in the field of management and entrepreneurship in companies.
- Mastering different methods of solving professional problems.
- Ability to think critically and self-critically and adopt an objective attitude in relation to any practical situation
- Ability to implement acquired knowledge from management in companies in practice.
- Ability to express oneself correctly (oral and written) with the use of adequate professional terminology, as well as the development of communication skills.
- Monitoring innovations in the field of management and entrepreneurship and their application in order to improve one's own knowledge and abilities.
- Ability to make complex decisions, delegate responsibility and carry out tasks.
- Ability to work in a team, respect other people's views and opinions and reach a compromise solution
- Ability to act creatively and independently.
- Ability to continue their education - specialist/doctoral studies, if they decide to do so.
By mastering the MAS Management and Entrepreneurship master's academic study program, students acquire the following subject-specific competencies:
- Ability to use scientific research methods and independent research work, to identify problems and establish a problem framework as well as specific research subjects and methods;
- Ability to present and publish scientific work, write scientific projects, valorize and evaluate one's own and other research; ability to discuss competently and scientifically, to research and present the results of one's scientific work to the scientific and professional public.
- Ability to make operational decisions that include the context of technologies and processes, tools and software, inventory, supply chain, business resources, projects, quality, with continuous improvement of work processes.
- Ability to focus in professional work on the rational use of resources and the basic goals of the performance of realistically represented production operations: quality - as constant adaptation to consumer needs; speed - as the time that elapses between the consumer's request for a physical good or service and the moment when they receive the requested product; reliability - as delivery or availability of physical goods or services to the consumer when the service or physical goods were promised; flexibility - as the degree to which the operational production process can change what it does, how it does it or when it does it; and, costs.
- ability to understand technological management problems; to use acquired knowledge from complementary disciplines in order to establish successful organizational and program models of enterprises at the level of technological management in business processes; to know how to manage technological changes that affect the company's competitiveness;
- Ability to solve specific issues of development, implementation and use of NPS, to realize various processes and operations in practice, to know the basics of management strategy with the help of the latest technologies and methods; to analyze production systems using modern advanced methods, technologies, processes, techniques and tools.
- Ability to understand and apply basic concepts of total quality management in organizational systems; the ability to look at possible TQM concepts both at the level of companies and at the level of state and local self-government bodies; to understand the concept and accept the direction of achieving TQM centers of business excellence (BE), and other types of good practice.
- the ability to understand and apply in practice the system of planning logistics operations, the system of organizing logistics operations, the system of managing work values, the system of controlling logistics operations and the system of evaluating logistics operations.
- Ability to independently monitor and critically evaluate modern world achievements in the field of entrepreneurship management. Competencies of master's students in terms of realizing their rights to further education and the possibility of employment and realizing their right to work are:
- Access to further studies - the right to further education and training,
- Enrollment in specialist academic studies,
- Enrollment in doctoral studies.
The second degree of master academic studies MAS Management and Entrepreneurship enables a person to acquire the title of master of management, as well as to perform professional activities in the field for which the qualifications are given.
You can view the certificate of accreditation of the study program from 2023 HERE.
For a detailed overview of subjects by year of study according to accreditation from 2016, you can see HERE.
You can view the certificate of accreditation of the study program from 2016 HERE.
You can view the study program self-evaluation report HERE.
You can download the course book in RAR file format HERE
Za detaljan pregled predmeta po godinama studija po akreditaciji iz 2023. godine možete pogledati HERE.