Analysis of the influence of different types of coatings on increasing the working life of constructional elements of the ventilation mill and reducing the wear of working surfaces

Ristić, M., Vasović, I., Bošković, V., Sommitsch, C., Perišić Jasmina Analysis of the influence of different types of coatings on increasing the working life of constructional elements of the ventilation mill and reducing the wear of working surfaces Zavarivanje i zavarene konstrukcije, 2019, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 53-68, ISSN: 0354-7965.

Autori Jasmina Perišić, Ristić, M., Vasović, I., Bošković, V., Sommitsch, C.
Tip publikacije M53
Polje publikacije Tehničko-tehnološko
Godina 2019
DOI 10.5937/zzk1902053R
Časopis Zavarivanje i zavarene konstrukcije
Volumen 64
Broj 2
Strana od 53
Strana do 68

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