Crack initiation of selected geopolymer mortars with hemp fibers

Simonova H., Kucharczykova B., Topolar L., Kersner Z. Merta I., Dragas J., Ignjatovic I., Komljenovic M., Nikolić Violeta, Crack initiation of selected geopolymer mortars with hemp fibers, Procedia Structural Integrity 13 (2018) 578-583, ECF22 – Loading and Environmental effects on Structural Integrity

Autori Violeta Nikolić, Simonova H., Kucharczykova B., Topolar L., Kersner Z. Merta I., Dragas J., Ignjatovic I., Komljenovic M.,
Tip publikacije M33
Polje publikacije Prirodno-matematičko
Godina 2018
Časopis Procedia Structural Integrity 13
Strana od 578
Strana do 583

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