Developing multi-criteria model for the protection of cultural built heritage in Serbia from the aspect of energy recovery of the buildings

A. Stanojević, Mimica Milošević, D. Milošević, B. Turnšek, Lj. Jevremović, Developing multi-criteria model for the protection of cultural built heritage in Serbia from the aspect of energy recovery of the buildings, Book of abstracts 50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition, Belgrade, Serbia, 4-6 December 2019, pp. 90.

Autori Mimica Milošević, A. Stanojević, D. Milošević, B. Turnšek, Lj. Jevremović
Tip publikacije M34
Polje publikacije Prirodno-matematičko
Godina 2019
Časopis Book of abstracts 50th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition
Strana od 90
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