Fractal Tools in Combating Terrorism and Money Laundering

Đurđević, D., Mitić, V., Stevanović Miroslav, Kocić Lj., Fractal Tools in Combating Terrorism and Money Laundering, In: Advanced Ceramics and Applications, Gadow, R.; ‎ Mitic, V. (eds.), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2021, rr. 71-84. ISBN: 9783110625134

Autori Miroslav Stevanović, Đurđević, D., Mitić, V., Kocić Lj.
Tip publikacije M45
Polje publikacije Društveno-humanističko
Godina 2021
Časopis In: Advanced Ceramics and Applications, Gadow, R.; ‎ Mitic, V. (eds.), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, ISBN: 9783110625134
Strana od 71
Strana do 84

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