Genetic-background dependent cold response in Lancaster vs. other heterotic groups in maize

Banović Đeri, M. Božić, Dragana Dudić, I.Vićić, M. Milivojević, D. Ignjatović-Micić, J. Samardžić, J. Vančetović, N. Delić, A. Nikolić, Genetic-background dependent cold response in Lancaster vs. other heterotic groups in maize, 7th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress & 2nd Microbiome for Agriculture: Asia, Global Engage, Poster Presentations Book of Abstracts, str. 2, virtuelna konferencija, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021.

Autori Dragana Dudić, Banović Đeri, M. Božić, I.Vićić, M. Milivojević, D. Ignjatović-Micić, J. Samardžić, J. Vančetović, N. Delić, A. Nikolić
Tip publikacije M34
Polje publikacije Prirodno-matematičko
Godina 2021
Časopis 7th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress & 2nd Microbiome for Agriculture: Asia, Global Engage, Poster Presentations Book of Abstracts, str. 2, virtuelna konferencija, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021.
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