Ice nucleating particles in the marine boundary layer in the Canadian Arctic during summer 2014

Irish, V., Hanna, S., Willis, M., China, S., Thomas, J., Wentzell, J., Ćirišan Ana, Si, M., Leaitch, R., Murphy, J., Abbatt, J., Laskin, A., Girard, E., and Bertram, A. Ice nucleating particles in the marine boundary layer in the Canadian Arctic during summer 2014 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 1027-1039, 2019.Irish, V., Hanna, S., Willis, M., China, S., Thomas, J., Wentzell, J., Ćirišan Ana, Si, M., Leaitch, R., Murphy, J., Abbatt, J., Laskin, A., Girard, E., and Bertram, A. Ice nucleating particles in the marine boundary layer in the Canadian Arctic during summer 2014 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 1027-1039, 2019.

Autori Ana Ćirišan, Irish, V., Hanna, S., Willis, M., China, S., Thomas, J., Wentzell, J., Si, M., Leaitch, R., Murphy, J., Abbatt, J., Laskin, A., Girard, E., and Bertram, A.
Tip publikacije M21
Polje publikacije Prirodno-matematičko
Godina 2019
Časopis Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Volumen 19
Strana od 1027
Strana do 1039

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