Inhibitory Effect of Cerium Salts of Lower Carboxylic Acids on Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy in NaCl Solution

Marunkic Dunja, Pejic Jovanka, Jegdic Bore, Linic Suzana, Perišić Jasmina, Radojkovic Bojana, Marinkovic Aleksandar, Inhibitory Effect of Cerium Salts of Lower Carboxylic Acids on Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy in NaCl Solution, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 168, issue. 8, 2021.

Autori Jasmina Perišić, Marunkic Dunja, Pejic Jovanka, Jegdic Bore, Linic Suzana, Radojkovic Bojana, Marinkovic Aleksandar
Tip publikacije M21
Polje publikacije Tehničko-tehnološko
Godina 2021
Časopis Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Volumen 168
Broj 8
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