Management of the international distribution channels in the SMES international business strategy

Vapa Bojan, Vapa-Tankosić, J., Management of the international distribution channels in the SMES international business strategy, School of Business, number 1/2019, pp. 32-46 UDC 339.5:334.72(497.11) DOI 10.5937/skolbiz1-23086

Autori Bojan Vapa, Vapa-Tankosić, J.
Tip publikacije M51
Polje publikacije Društveno-humanističko
Godina 2019
Časopis School of Business, UDC 339.5:334.72(497.11) DOI 10.5937/skolbiz1-23086
Broj 1
Strana od 32
Strana do 46

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