Preparing the 21st Century Professionals for the Execution of Major Infrastructure Projects in Western Balkans

Torbica, Z. and Cekić Zoran, Preparing the 21st Century Professionals for the Execution of Major Infrastructure Projects in Western Balkans, International Conference: “Challenges in the Western Balkans: Infrastructure and Development in the Region”, IFEES/GEDC/EPOKA Conference 2023, March 29-30, 2023, Tirana-Albania.

Autori Zoran Cekić, Torbica, Z
Tip publikacije M33
Polje publikacije Tehničko-tehnološko
Godina 2023
Časopis International Conference: “Challenges in the Western Balkans: Infrastructure and Development in the Region”, IFEES/GEDC/EPOKA Conference 2023, March 29-30, 2023, Tirana-Albania
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