Prioritizing and ranking of indicators for the energy efficiency model in the smart city

V. Dimić, Mimica Milošević, D. Milošević, Prioritizing and ranking of indicators for the energy efficiency model in the smart city, Economic and Social Development, Editors: Babak Taheri, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom Aleksandar Damnjanovic, University MB, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency (2021) ISSN: 1849-7535, 75th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 02-03 December 2021, pp.321-331

Autori Mimica Milošević, V. Dimić, D. Milošević
Tip publikacije M33
Polje publikacije Prirodno-matematičko
Godina 2021
Časopis Economic and Social Development
Strana od 321
Strana do 331

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