Significance of the pollutant pazs principle and the analzsis of the european framework for a civil liabilitz for damages caused bu activities dangerous to the environment

Bojana Drašković, Olga Perovic, „Significance of the pollutant pazs principle and the analzsis of the european framework for a civil liabilitz for damages caused bu activities dangerous to the environment“, Pravo – Teorija i praksa, 2021, vol.38, iss. 4, pp. 160-174. (ERIH+)

Autori Bojana Drašković, Olga Perovic
Tip publikacije M23
Polje publikacije Društveno-humanističko
Godina 2021
Časopis Pravo – Teorija i praksa
Volumen 38
Strana od 160
Strana do 174

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