The Impact of Tax Policy, System, and Administration on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Republic of Serbia: A Statistical Analysis of Situation

Adzic, S., Nestorovic, O., Zakić Nebojša, Aničić Dušan, Penjisevic, A., The Impact of Tax Policy, System, and Administration on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Republic of Serbia: A Statistical Analysis of Situation, Eastern European Economics, 2023, 61(1), 86-109. DOI: 10.1080/00128775.2022.2117196.

Autori Nebojša Zakić, Dušan Aničić i Adzic, S., Nestorovic, O., Penjisevic, A.
Tip publikacije M23
Polje publikacije Društveno-humanističko
Godina 2023
DOI DOI: 10.1080/00128775.2022.2117196
Časopis Eastern European Economics
Volumen 61
Broj 1
Strana od 86
Strana do 109

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