The specific Modernity of Architecture – The Phenomenological Space of Silence

Vasilski Dragana, The specific Modernity of Architecture – The Phenomenological Space of Silence, 19th International Conference Arquitectonics: Mind, Land and Society, The new Sense of Place after the Biorevolution: Education, Profession, and Social Interaction, Barcelona, June 2-4 2021, pp. 117 – 128, ISBN- 978-84-09-38268-2

Autori Dragana Vasilski
Tip publikacije M33
Polje publikacije Tehničko-tehnološko
Godina 2021
Časopis 19th International Conference Arquitectonics: Mind, Land and Society, The new Sense of Place after the Biorevolution: Education, Profession, and Social Interaction, Barcelona
Strana od 117
Strana do 128

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