Tradition and innovation in Serbian 21st Century architecture – The natural, structural materials’ impact on the human being

Milošević, P.; Milošević V.; Milošević G. (2019), Tradition and innovation in Serbian 21st Century architecture – The natural, structural materials’ impact on the human being. ACEE (Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment Journal), The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture (Gliwice, Poland). Vol. 12, No 2/2019, June, 57-67; DOI:10.21307/ACEE-2019-023; ISSN 1899-0142.,7,Issues.html

Autori Predrag Milošević, Milošević V., Milošević G.
Tip publikacije M52
Polje publikacije Tehničko-tehnološko
Godina 2019
Časopis ACEE (Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment Journal), The Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture (Gliwice, Poland)
Volumen 12
Broj 2
Strana od 57
Strana do 67

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