Vapa Bojan, Vapa Tankosić J., Influence of promotion strategy on international market success, 2. International Scientific and Expert Conference “Economic Development and Competitiveness of European Countries: Challenges of Economic Integration”, Novi Sad: Novi Sad School of Business, 2020, pp 65-69, ISBN 978-86-7203-175-1.

Autori Bojan Vapa, Vapa Tankosić J.
Tip publikacije M34
Polje publikacije Društveno-humanističko
Godina 2020
Časopis 2. International Scientific and Expert Conference “Economic Development and Competitiveness of European Countries: Challenges of Economic Integration”, Novi Sad: Novi Sad School of Business, 2020, ISBN 978-86-7203-175-1
Strana od 65
Strana do 69