Kosić Tatjana, Svetel, I., Stavrić, M., Technological and Economic Assessment of Different Models of Geometrically Complex Forms of Glass Envelopes, In: A. Luible & S. Gosztonyi (Eds. in Chief), Proceedings of the Facade 2018 –Adaptive!, Final Conference COST Action TU1403 ‘’Adaptive Facades Network’’ (pp. 441-451). Lucerne, Switzerland: University of Applied Science and Arts. ISBN 978-94-6366-102-7.

Autori Tatjana Kosić, Svetel, I., Stavrić, M.
Tip publikacije M33
Polje publikacije Tehničko-tehnološko
Godina 2018
Časopis In: A. Luible & S. Gosztonyi (Eds. in Chief), Proceedings of the Facade 2018 – Adaptive!, Final Conference COST Action TU1403 ‘’Adaptive Facades Network’’ (pp. 441-451). Lucerne, Switzerland: University of Applied Science and Arts. ISBN 978-94-6366-102-7
Strana od 441
Strana do 451