Kosić Tatjana, Svetel, I., Technological and economical analysis of curved glass structure, Structural Integrity and Life, 2022, 22(2), 175–181. http://divk.inovacionicentar.rs/ivk/ivk22/175-IVK2-2022-TK-IS.pdf

Autori Tatjana Kosić, Svetel, I.
Tip publikacije M24
Polje publikacije Tehničko-tehnološko
Godina 2020
Časopis Structural Integrity and Life
Volumen 22
Broj 2
Strana od 175
Strana do 181
URL http://divk.inovacionicentar.rs/ivk/ivk22/175-IVK2-2022-TK-IS.pdf